MPARTICLE ~fg>fg> >fg>~g? ?BI|x .W`8E ZK;11 w|PQM; y5l D 1b$-@ )@I )@I 9@q )J 9@q )J )@A )J )@A )J INFO!Title : Technological Death Publisher : Mad Elks#Authors : Valdi, Fly, Fli, XTD, Dak, P.G., Kopara. Country : Poland Conditions : Public Domain Category : Music Released : May 1993 Opinion : **** REQUIREMENTS Drives : 1 Memory : 1 meg. COMPATIBILITY A500 wb 1.3.2 : YES A600 wb 2.05 : YES$Multi-tasks : NO - Autoboots only. Display : PAL& This disk gives you some great&music with graphics to match. Techno&Death's pushing Spaceballs' State Of&The Art and only fails to top it by&being a little too demo like and by&having the odd screen of static text&in the middle. There's greetings in&the middle too but at least they fit&in well with the disk's overall design. The music's just right, insistent and like the graphics, fast. It's timing's also right on and hooks in perfectly with what's being displayed. Or is it the graphics linking with the music? Either way it works. There's also another nice piece of music while the credit rolls. And yet another chirpy ditty in the very poorly concealed hidden part. Good all round. So what stands out graphically? Well there's nothing particularly newFhere but everything's smooth and very fast. There's a cube forFinstance - on a checkered ground. What do mean, "Yawn"? This is oneFfunky cube I can tell you. Not for this cube a boring spin throughFspace. Oh no. This cube was made for walking. Yes folks, a cube withFattitude. (An atticube perhaps?) One of the great Amiga cubes of all time me thinks.F There's also a timer displayed throughout which is counting downFTechno Death's five minutes of playing time. It also features in it'sFown right as part of the graphics and adds to the tension as it)approaches zero. Simple, but nicely done.& An excellent disk. Fast graphics&with the routines well linked together&and good music. Another one you'll keep for ever I suspect. ---- Music Review: Page 1 of 4 Index Contents Music Review: Page 2 of 4 Index Contents Music Review: Page 3 of 4 Index Contents Music Review: Page 4 of 4 Index Contents